100 Litres Hazibag 20 pcs



This “sack” is the smallest of the Hazibags, certified for packing groups II & III
solid dangerous goods. It was designed at the request of the Australian Emergency
Services for the transport of contaiminated equipment and uniforms. It is perfect for
confined spaces and small jobs. Can be reused and is available with options of 200
micron or water soluble liners. SWL 30kg.

20 pieces – $27 piece

Hazibag Brochure


Hazibag Brochure1

Product Description

This “sack” is the smallest of the Hazibags, certified for packing groups II & III
solid dangerous goods. It was designed at the request of the Australian Emergency
Services for the transport of contaiminated equipment and uniforms. It is perfect for
confined spaces and small jobs. Can be reused and is available with options of 200
micron or water soluble liners. SWL 30kg.

20 pieces – $27 piece


Hazibag Brochure


Hazibag Brochure1


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